Air Service Boys Over the Atlantic (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)
ore they ever get it in fighting trim again. Yes, I'll go along, boys, if you'll lend me a shoulder. Gave that game leg another little knock in falling; but then, I might have broken my neck, so I'm thankful."
"The Beverly luck again!" chuckled Jack, at which the intrepid flier nodded with kindling eyes.
"Getting to believe I can carry anything through I care to tackle, for a fact, fellows," he remarked, with the same amazing confidence that had taken him along so many times in a whirlwind of success.
They ranged alongside, and he leaned on Tom's arm as he limped off, giving no further heed to the mass of damaged engine, crumpled wood, bent steel guys, and torn canvas that had once been a powerful bombing plane.
Jack kept in readiness to meet any attack that might spring up, though they had reason to believe the Huns had temporarily withdrawn from the field of action.
"Your friend Harry Leroy dropped in to see me while I was laid up, Raymond," remarked the lieutenant, with a