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Behind the Green Door (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)

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Penny visits a ski resort and stumbles upon several mysteries. Unknown enemies are trying to force the resort to close, and during her investigations, Penny discovers a mysterious green door in the resort that leads to a room that can only be entered by invitation.
Parker as Penny called his attention to the brokerage. "Maxwell hasn't overlooked anything. The hotel has a special leased wire which I've been told gives him a direct connection with his other places." Walking over to the desk, Mr. Parker mentioned his name and asked the clerk if he might see Harvey Maxwell. "Mr. Maxwell is not here," replied the man with an insolent air. "When will he be at the hotel?" "Mr. Maxwell has left the city on business. He does not expect to return until the end of next month." Mr. Parker could not hide his annoyance. "Let me have his address then," he said in a resigned voice. "I'll write him." The clerk shook his head. "I have been instructed not to give you Mr. Maxwell's address. If you wish to deal with him you will have to see his lawyer, Gorman S. Railey." "So Maxwell was expecting me to come here to make a deal with him?" demanded Mr. Parker. "Well, I've changed my mind. I'll make a deal all right, but it will be in co

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