Ravensdene Court (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)
"Aye, well, and Salter Quick's been in quarters of that sort in his time," he observed, with a glance that suggested infinite meaning. "He has, so! But this ain't no desert island, master. I can see they ain't short of good grub and sound liquor here!"
He made his usual jerk of the thumb--this time in the direction of the landlord, who just then came back with a well-filled tray. And presently, first removing his cap and saying his grace in a devout fashion, he sat down and began to eat with an evidently sharp-set appetite. Trifling with my bread and cheese, I turned to the landlord.
"This is a very lonely spot," I said. "I was surprised to see a licensed house here. Where do you get your customers?"
"Ah, you wouldn't see it as you came along," replied the landlord. "I saw you coming--you came from Alnmouth way. There's a village just behind here--it 'ud be hidden from you by this headland at back of the house--goodish-sized place. Plenty o' custom from that, o' nights. And of co