The Silver Cache of the Pawnee (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)
while I am away," Philip suggested. "I shall get all the planting and seeding done before I leave. No Santa Fe train will start before the first of May, because there will not be enough grass on the prairie before that time. All you have to do is to see that Uncle cultivates the corn and potatoes and cuts some hay, and doesn't go off to town to talk politics except on rainy days."
"I won't stay here with Uncle Jeth," Ted blurted out. "He'll want me to learn poems and learn to read the papers to him. He says boys shouldn't kill time by going fishing, they should read history and the Bible. I want to go with Philip and find Father and the sack of silver."
Ted became so excited in his arguments that he should go with Philip that his mother did send him to bed. But as he went up stairs crying, he asserted, "If you don't let me go, I'll run away and hide in one of the big wagons after dark and then, then I'll, I'll ask the wagon boss to let me herd the cattle at night. If I don't come along Father w