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Prepare and Serve a Meal and Interior Decoration (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)

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! The true coffee-drinker at once notices a difference in flavor if the coffee first be poured, and the cream and sugar added. FOR THE CHILDREN If the children eat breakfast with the family, a regular child's service, with attractive little knives and spoons should be provided, and his whole service, preferably, should be arranged on a tray near the table's edge. Every child likes to have his own porridge bowl, his mug and little milk pitcher, and having his own table tools teaches him to be neat and self-reliant. CHAPTER IV LUNCHEONS THE INFORMAL LUNCHEON The informal luncheon or lunch--originally the light meal eaten between breakfast and dinner, but now often taking the place of dinner, the fashionable hour being one (or half after if cards are to follow)--is of two kinds. The "buffet" luncheon, at which the guests eat standing; and the luncheon served at small tables, at which the guests are seated.

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