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Hints to Husbands (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)

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A work, dedicated to the Husbands and Fathers of the United Kingdom, and consisting almost exclusively of Rhodomontade against the medical profession.
speaks of midwives,[14] explains their duties, and mentions some of great reputation. According to Roman law, midwives were recognized as a distinct class in society, and enjoyed certain rights and immunities in common with the medical profession."[15] We have shown, on the testimony of medical writers, that the practice of man -midwifery was introduced in France, or rather in Paris, for it was never generally adopted in the provinces,[16] so early as the end of the seventeenth century; but more than a hundred years elapsed before the unnatural and debasing custom became fashionable in England: and we find that late in the eighteenth century it was considered so objectionable, that few persons, excepting in those rare cases where danger was imminent, ever permitted "a medical man" to usurp the duties of the midwife: and it is only within the last fifty years that man -midwifery has prevailed in these kingdoms. Indeed Dr. Ramsbotham, in 1845, in the preface to his work on obstetric

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