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[Scribner’s] Stories by Modern American Authors (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)

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F. MARION CRAWFORD: By the Waters of ParadiseMARY E. WILKINS FREEMAN: The Shadows on the WallMELVILLE D. POST: The Corpus DelictiAMBROSE BIERCE: An Heiress from Redhorse; The Man and the SnakeEDGAR ALLAN POE: The Oblong Box; The Gold-BugWASHINGTON IRVING: Wolfert Webber, or Golden Dreams; Adventure of the Black FishermanCHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN: Wieland’s MadnessFITZJAMES O’BRIEN: The Golden Ingot; My Wife’s TempterNATHANIEL HAWTHORNE: The Minister’s Black VeilANONYMOUS Horror: A True Tale
n of mystery and the hazard of fortunes; and it would be a pity to shut them out from our consideration only because there is no second-sighted conjurer on hand to turn them into plain matter of fact. Yet we must not be too liberal; and a ghost story can be brought into our charmed and charming circle only if we have made up our minds to believe in the ghosts; otherwise their introduction would not be a square deal. It would not be fair, in other words, to propose a conundrum on a basis of ostensible materialism, and then, when no other key would fit, to palm off a disembodied spirit on us. Tell me beforehand that your scenario is to include both worlds, and I have no objection to make; I simply attune my mind to the more extensive scope. But I rebel at an unheralded ghostland, and declare frankly that your tale is incredible. And I must confess that I would as lief have ghosts kept out altogether; their stories make a very good library in themselves, and have no need to tag themselves on to what is re

πŸ”– Editor's choise (view all)

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