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The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories (PDF, MOBI, EPUB, FB2, TEXT)

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The campfire for ages has been the place of council and friendship and story-telling. The mystic glow of the fire quickens the mind, warms the heart, awakens memories of happy, glowing tales that fairly leap to the lips. The Boy Scouts of America has incorporated the “campfire” in its program for council and friendship and story-telling. In one volume, the Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories makes available to scoutmasters and other leaders a goodly number of stories worthy of their attention, and when well told likely to arrest and hold the interest of boys in their early teens, when “stirs the blood–to bubble in the veins.”
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION v I. SILVERHORNS Henry van Dyke 1 II. WILD HORSE HUNTER Zane Grey 21 III. HYDROPHOBIC SKUNK Irvin S. Cobb 90 IV. THE OLE VIRGINIA Stewart Edward White 100 V. THE WEIGHT OF OBLIGATION Rex Beach 108 VI. THAT SPOT Jack London 140 VII. WHEN LINCOLN LICKED A BULLY Irving Bacheller 155 VIII. THE END OF THE TRAIL Clarence E. Mulford 180 IX. DEY AIN'T NO GHOSTS Ellis Parker Butler 201 X. THE NIGHT OPERATOR Frank L. Packard 218 XI. CHRISTMAS EVE IN A LUMBER CAMP Ralph Connor 258 XII. THE STORY THAT THE KEG TOLD ME Adirondack (W. H. H.) Murray 275

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