Shakespeare and Music

+August Enna+, a Danish composer, wrote an opera founded on Shakespeare’s play, which was produced at the Royal Opera House, Copenhagen, in 1894; but, with the exception of the overture, none of it has been performed in London. The overture was played under Sir Henry Wood by the Queen’s Hall Orchestra on July 6, 1912. The opera was not a success in Copenhagen, in spite of the popularity of the composer and the natural sympathy he would receive from his compatriots. The critics said that he was obviously too much under the double influence of Wagner and Verdi, and, though admiring his prodigious technique in orchestration, gave him otherwise but faint praise. Enna was born May 13, 1860. He was largely self-taught; but, with the help of Niels Gade, won the Ancker Scholarship, a sort of Danish “Prix de Rome,” which enabled him to study in Germany and acquire a considerable technique–a useful possession for a modern grand-opera composer.
+Rodolphe Kreutzer+, whose violin exercises have driven thousand

Famous Singers of To-day and Yesterday

a pension of 1,500 livres, to which he added one of five hundred more from his privy purse. Concerning her performance of this part we are told by Grimm, “Never has there been united acting more captivating, a sensibility more perfect, singing more exquisite, happier byplay, and more noble abandon.”
In 1790 Madame St. Huberty retired from the operatic stage and married Count d’Entraigues. After a political career in Spain and Russia, during which the count and his wife passed through some trying vicissitudes, they settled in England, but on the 22d of July, 1812, both the count and countess were assassinated by a servant, who had been bribed by an agent of FouchΓ© to obtain certain papers in their possession.
Gertrude Elizabeth Mara was the daughter of Johann Schmaling, a respectable musician of Hesse Cassel. Her mother died shortly after her birth in 1749, but her father out of his limited means gave her the best education he could. As she was considered a prodigy her father took her fro